CCD Colombia is one of CCD's functioning in-country partnerships. It was formed in January 2019 and has seven NGO members (Action Against Hunger, Danish Refugee Council, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Mercy Corps, Norwegian Refugee Council, Save the Children, and World Vision).
CashCap initially supported the in-country network with the deployment of a dedicated manager and monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning (MEAL) officer which helped guide the collaborative efforts of the network and steering committee as they agreed, monitored, and adjusted strategic directions directionsfor the network and its technical working groups while identifying the added value of CCD within their country’s humanitarian context and cash and voucher landscape.
Where we are
CCD Colombia and its members are committed to actively coordinating with and contributing to the work and capacity development of the broader humanitarian cash response in Colombia. As part of this approach, the CCD is:
active in Colombia's cash working group (CWG) – four of the network’s in-country members are on the steering committee, representing the NGO community alongside UN agencies and the government of Colombia
co-leading the MEAL technical working group and its sub-groups
coordinating with World Food Programme and UNHCR to design a common architecture that will allow data exchange and interoperability of the systems for de-duplication and referral pathways
prepared and facilitated (in collaboration with The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) and the Colombia CWG) a certified fundamental training and training of trainers session in July 2019 for participants from NGOs and UN, donor, and governmental agencies
contributed at an executive level to discussions on coordination of cash assistance and articulation of emergency cash response with social protection at the CWG’s two-day workshop with the Colombian government, donors (including the World Bank), and UN agencies.
Data Management
CCD Colombia is using the data sharing agreement (DSA) created by CCD’s global network and drafted by the Denton’s law firm. It will be signed by all members within the coming weeks.
The Colombia CCD is supporting its members in their efforts to procure a beneficiary data and case management system (BenReg) with a dedicated technical working group that consolidated programmatic and technical specifications
to customise the platform to best meet their business needs.
With the highest level of data protection, the DSA and BenReg will allow members to exchange and cross-check beneficiary data to identify, address, and prevent the duplication of assistance and enable referrals across member organisations.
CCD Colombia members are leading the effort and mobilising other CWG members to finalise development and validation of the following tools that will be used as the norm for implementing CTP within the CCD network and beyond:
eligibility criteria and questionnaire
end and baseline indicators
risk and mitigation measures.
Cash Programming​
Office of US Foreign Disaster (OFDA) funded a multipurpose cash programme that will serve approximately 160,000 people over 18 months. This project will kick off in late 2019.
Operations and Standards
CCD Colombia is currently focused on the setup of an internal and external operational network structure and establishing standards for the implementation of this programming.