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This global pandemic will significantly affect the way organisations deliver humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable people throughout the world. Even more concerning is the potential impact on the lives of the most vulnerable children and livelihoods of their families, including people living in refugee and internally displaced person (IDP) camps. It is already affecting economies and livelihoods, and it will only worsen over the coming weeks and months unless practical measures are implemented and followed.

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South Sudanese mothers install handwashing facilities in their homes to protect their children from COVID-19. Esther and her family maintain social distancing while using the shared water tap. “I have already lost three of my children to different kinds of diseases, if it takes handwashing, social distancing, and staying home, then I am ready because I am not ready to lose my children to COVID-19,” the mother of four said.

© Scovia Faida Charles / World Vision

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