Early scoping for CCD Uganda began in 2017 with several agencies exploring opportunities to come together to establish a collaborative cash delivery platform. CCD Uganda is overseen by a Steering Committee and an in-country Collaboration Manager, on a rotational basis (DRC, IRC, currently LWF). Members of CCD Uganda signed a memorandum of understanding in 2019 and agreed to a Governance Framework whose annexes include: The Terms of Reference (ToR) for the network’s Steering committee.
The Steering Committee is responsible for the strategic direction and driver of the priorities of the Uganda CCD network. It is chaired and facilitated by the Collaboration Manager as a neutral and non-voting member of the steering committee. The Steering Committee currently includes representatives of LWF, IRC, DRC, Mercy Corps, CRS.
The 14 participating members of the Uganda CCD Network currently are Action Against Hunger (AAH), Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED), CARE International (CARE), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Danchurchaid (DCA), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), International Rescue Committee (IRC), The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Mercy Corps (MC), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), OXFAM GB, Relief International (RELIEF), Save the Children (SAVE) and World Vision International (WVI).
CCD Uganda membership is open to other international and national NGOs that are not part of the Global CCD in accordance with the conditions set out in the network’s new member integration protocols.
Priority actions for the CCD Uganda are collaborating with CWG on areas such as FSP mapping and interactions, as well as fostering CCD members collaboration at the strategic, technical, and operational levels through advocacy, joint implementation, and collective learning and impact.